Saturday, 23 November 2013

Use Your Computer from anYwhere

Your home computer is the perfect machine. It's customized to your exact needs, runs all your must-have apps, and holds every important file you'd ever need to access. The catch: It's not exactly practical to lug a computer with you everywhere you go. That's where remote access comes in. Here are three dead-simple ways to control your home computer from anywhere—your laptop, phone, or even a friend's computer—as though you were sitting directly in front of it.But I here describe one of the simple method:
Here is a step by step guide to use TeamViewer:
Step 1. Download TeamViewer from
Step 2. Double click the file downloaded in step 1
Step 3. Click next and proceed to the License agreement.
Step 4. Read and click Next.
Step 5. Choose whether you want to install the application or not, TeamViewer 3 runs absolutely fine without installation also. Once you have made your choice click Next. Depending on what you chose you will either see the installation or the TeamViewer Window

Step 6. Now you can either choose to connect to a remote computer in which case that remote computer must also follow the same setup process and give you the ID and Password in the blue fields, you can then create a session using the ID they provided you,
You can have some one connect to you remotely in which case you will provide them with the ID and Password you get on your screen

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